Thursday 19 January 2012

You're Not A Photographer....

I saw this on the google image sometime ago,and honestly it made me smile.
Nowadays majority people carry camera not because of the passion but simply because of status..
I still remember those day when I carry the film camera around,people will stare at me like I'm some kind of alien from out of space but compare to now,wannabe carrying full frame DSLR with 70-200mm without all the stare and wow!thats freaking heavy and dangerous..
1st of all unless you have a proper DSLR bag,you're gonna sling it on your neck or shoulder and trust me its heavy..
the 70-200mm itself is already around 1kg(not inclusive the heavy body as well) and to carry and publicise a camera that cost 8k and lens that cost equal?
thats like a brightly lit neon sighboard on your neck saying "rob me,im carrying 16k"..
and funny thing is they didnt buy the camera to shoot proper photo nor learn as they are using auto mode all the time..
not saying its can still use it but why jump on a ship with pricey tools when you cant even steer the ship?..might as well get a small sampan and slowly and steady arrive to the location?
again let me reiterate,its not wrong to shoot in auto..
this is just opinion on people that carry their camera around like its the new age accecories,replacing necklace and chain for
and just in case you think I have superb gadget.Let me remind you,Im using a beginner level DSLR,3rd party external flash,3rd party 2nd hand lens,kit lens and an old film camera lens and yet I can still snap photo with stories and emotion..
I read this somewhere,cant recall

"Its not the camera,but the person behind it"

you can use normal compact camera,handphone camera,film camera,lomo camera and tonnes more and still get a great shot with stories and emotion...and again..

"Its not the camera,but the person behind it"....

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