Monday 2 April 2012

Singapore Trip : 3rd Day - Universal Studio Singapore

On the way to the train that going to bring us to Sentosa island..

On the way to Universal Studio Singapore..

Right in front of the Universal Studio Singapore trademark globe.. too bad cant get a wide shot..only brought my 70-200..

Merchandise shop at Hollywood..

Po from Kung Fu Panda..too bad cant get a picture with him..que was long and as advice by the staff that followed him..Po have to go somewhere..

As fast as he arrived,he left..waving goodbye to everyone..

1 of the food stall..awesome..

Manage to get a pic with a character..frankenstein..pardon me for the blurry shot..its a semi pro camera on a non semi pro wife..hey at least she manage to get the background sharp..hahahaha...

Now entering New York..

I was advice that Universal Studio have assigned their own photographer and if your picture is captured..they will sell it this shop..i on the other hand didnt manage to check the shop out..

Real life size ship mock up..titanic i guess(or maybe thats the only ship name i knew)lol..

This bunch of guys is fun..they interact with the audience 1st..greeting me and so on..walking around the stage talking to people..suddenly they start a naturally done..

The only thing that is awesome in New York..Light Camera Action by Steven Spielberg..well not live but he host it..they practically show how they made movies..the props and so on..and after that we are sent to a studio that imitates a house on the seaside..and they will imitate a level 5 the studio..theres water tank flying off..window panel flying is right in front of your face..everything is real except the background behind the window panel as it is computer graphic..but again it looks real..awesomeness to the max..

backstage mock up..

Marilyn Monroe on the loose!!!..right after we saw her i asked my wife to que up..but while she's thinking whether to or not to..the que become to we skip taking picture with her..

We are in New York..and when you're in New York what will you expect?Big Yellow Taxi!!!..

Right before we enter Sci-Fi City..

1st thing that impress me when we enter sci-fi city is Transformers:The Ride..bumble bee in real life size..hugeeeeeeeee...the ride was awesome..i can tell you that..we que up for 40 minutes..get in the ride..put on the bar..close the door..the ride started..move just a bit and stop abruptly..announcement played "we are having difficulties at the moment,our technician are looking into the matter,please remain seated"..played several more for 5 minutes and we are being release manually to que up again in front of the ride..wait for another 5 minute and finally the announcement is a new announcement..i thought its fixed..but..."we apologize on the inconvenience occurred..we are in the midst of fixing the problem,however we re not certain on how long it will takes,please do enjoy other rides 1st while we look into the matter"..left the place..and come back later..worth it or not..??hell yeah!!..optimus prime punch megatron..oils sprinkle from megatron towards screen..they spray water to you..Evac fell off building..they blow strong the movement of the car..u felt like you are in the car..awesomeeeee!!!!!!!!

S7..Bumble bee vehicle mode..Chevrolet Camaro..

They follow everything as per the movie..from the decal to the logo on the side..

This is Evac..not from movie nor the original cartoon..he is created just for Universal Studio Singapore Transfomers : The Ride..his main duty is to evacuate survivors(us,when we ride him)..

Real life size Evac..

Since my son cant enter the transformers ride..we ride this ride..guess spin and spin..and it become faster and son just give us his chill look through out the

Sci-Fi City performance..alien lady on stilt..must be tiring for them..

Battlestar Galactica ride..scarriest ride in USS..its divided into 2..both are different from each other..let me explain..the red one is is scary but not as scary as Cyclone..the Human roller coaster doesnt have any 360 loops..up,down left and right..but feels much more safer as you will have a place to place your for a warm up..go for Human roller coaster 1st..i'll explain about Cyclone..Cyclone is scarier because your feet will be dangling..and it will go on many loops..but both of the ride only last  for 90 seconds..but i can assure you that its the longest 90 second you'll have in your

I conquered Human with my mother in law..and after the ride she is so scared that she dont want to ride the Cyclone..

Cyclone..i conquered it with my wife..and again like mother like daughter..she didnt want to go to Human  as i wanted to repeat..i even tried to convince her that if she can go thru Cyclone,she can try Human as its less scarier but she's so scared that she dont want to..i'll tell yo this..i cant blame her because im the type of guy that after the ride i will straight ride again for few time as i dont feel anything..but both of this ride make me shake afterward,my knees weak and my throat hurts because i scream like a girl all the and conquer it 1st then tell me how was it..

The roller coaster is so fast that i didnt manage to get any good photo of the ride..anyway we are all excited to go to the next attraction..Ancient Egypt..

Its all real life size..hugeeeeee.....

This ride scary..and not scary like Battlestar galactica..this ride is scary in the sense of real scary..and by far the only roller coaster that i ever ride that..spoiler alert!!!...can reverse!! is all the way up and down..left and right..but let me tell you..riding in the dark is scarier then when you can see what you are going to go thru..funny that my wife and my mother in law closed their eyes when they both ride the previous roller this must be scarier for is so scary that by the time it finish im screaming "I dont want the book!!!you can have it!!!"..what book you asked?go and ride will know..

This ride is called Treasure Hunter..very chill and laid back will go around in a car..and all the animal will move and make sound when you nearing them..supposedly it suppose to make you feel like Indiana son enjoyed it as he thought he's driving it..(the car actually move on its own..shhhh..dont tell my son)..hahahaha 

Have to skip Waterworld because run out of time..we have like 1 hour left before amusement park close the show will last for 30 minutes..might as well leave because we still didnt go to Jurassic Park,Far Far Away and Madagascar yet..this show is one of the must see show..they will perform stunt on jet ski and so on..there explosion an etc..arggghhh i'll pass this as it hurts talking bout it..hahahaha..

Jurassic Park

Life size Dinosaur..

The only ride that we ride in Jurassic Park as we are rushing for Far Far Away and Madagascar..after all the ride that we didnt ride is a ride that work like flying fox..and another one is a ride for kids where they can control the dinosaur and that ride is available in Sunway..knowing that its available in Sunway,we decided to skip it..owh by the way..this ride is the only ride that can make you soaking wet..i like the part where the t-rex attack the lab..and your boat will be drop from..hmm..i dont know how high..but high enough to make a big splash..but dont worry it will dry off while you're enjoying Far Far Away and Madagascar..

The castle look so dreamy..very fairy tale like..but its real..and its again..hugeeeeeeeeee...

While waiting for my son to finish his indoor ferris wheel ride..gingerbread man..

Puss In Boots hanging for dear life in the middle of the ferris wheel..

Shrek 4D Adventure..freaking awesome..same like the transformers will spray water at you..blow wind at you..example..donkey sneeze to the screen..they will spray water at the same moment..when they are on the horse the chair move with the same rhythm as the horse..when the spider fell off to the bottom of the screen..suddenly you felt like something moving on your leg(soft wind pumped to your leg)it felt so real that a lady on my side put her leg up..maybe scared of spider i guess..hahahahaha...

Tree that King Jullian lives at..

A real working toilet..damnnnnnnn....

Marry go you can see..its getting dark..tik tok..7pm is nearing..we took the crate adventure ride as our last ride..its a ride..boat ride..with all the madagascar character in it..animatronic..moving and telling story..its fun..seriously..

Lost animals from the zoo..

New York at night time..

Merchandise from USS and Bugis Street..

The bumblebee and the universal studio fridge magnet is from USS but the rest is from Bugis Street..

Bumblebee tumbler from USS almost everyone carry this around..

Grammy Award for my wife for World's Greatest Wife category..and she bought for me Grammy Award for World's Greatest Husband category.. 

Optimus Prime original look from Universal Studio Singapore T-Shirt for me..niceeeeeee....

Universal Globe for our house..

And last but not least..what she wanted so badly..popcorn..expensive you baby..well..thats a the way this will the last pic coming out from D300 as i downgraded to D3100..