Saturday 18 February 2012

Le' Office

The other day I brought the body and the 70-200 to the office as 1 of my office mate is thinking of buying a 70-200 for his own self. Knowing that the 70-200 lens will cost some heavy cash,I thought its better if he can get hold of mine and see whether the effect a f/2.8 lens can satisfy him and whether its worth the penny..almost all the shot below is candid and for all my office mate, there are few shot I didn't upload. If you guys want your picture to be in the blog.. please do tell me so that I can bring the camera once more(It's heavy weyh!!)..Anyway I tried a new tone here,purely experimental,colder here goes,enjoy..

Happy Thaipusam!!!

Another post here to follow up with the festivity .. Festival mood in the ayer !!!!.. I rode my bike alone to the Batu Caves to capture some shot I have in my mind but seriously its so crowded that I didn't manage to get few of the shot I wanted plus that I'm new with the new body.. so whenever I saw any moment to capture,my setting will not be right because lighting is tricky there,some place the white light overpower,some place is illuminated with yellow light and some place is only lit up by moon light.. resulting moments to pass right in front of me.. All of this aside,back to my main reason to post this entry..Happy Thaipusam to all my friend that are whom that is fasting,continue and for those that botak the head..the looks kinda