Friday 6 January 2012

KL Tower

Few weeks ago my wife propose an idea of going to KL Tower.Im a bit not sure on it as im not really looking forward going there but my wife really know how to soften my heart and ending up with the whole family going down to KL Tower.Last time I'm here is when I'm 8/9 years old with my elder brother,and that is only up to the foot of the tower because the tower is on maintenance.Now let me tell you,if you are thinking of going,please do so as there are alot of things to do like mini zoo,horse riding,F1 simulator,sky view and so on.Now here are some of the pic.enjoy..

my son immediately say "mommy daddy,same same" when he saw the monkey..hahaha

Binocular nikon brand?niceeeeeee.....I'll update more post later as I'm in the midst of reopening all my old folder in my hard keep following..

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