Saturday 21 September 2013


It's Been a year since my last post.Been busy with new job and since I have finally settled down and that I scanned through my 1TB external hard drive only to conclude that I have tonnes of picture that haven't been posted yet.So whoever you are,yes you..the one that are reading this.Enjoy this..

Belangkas in Bahasa Malaysia

Piranha of the Amazon.move in numbers

For those who are still figuring out what is this.It's an electric eel.Capable of producing enough volt  to paralyze  a prey and an adult human


In the cage we can see a young human trying to hunt down a couple of otter.LOL.Thats my son mesmerized by the otter

Otter begging for more food from caretaker

"go away!!I'm having a crabby day" says the crab

I love this picture.The contrast between the frog colour and the background makes the frog popped up

 Paint me like one of you french girl

this have the "err..did I do anything wrong?" look

The biggest silver arowana I've ever seen.5 feet easily

Feeding time

Someone gotta do that job right?

Jaws 23 : Aquaria meltdown
Only in cinema.LOL

Spongebob favorite animal in Bikini Bottom

No exact reason for the shot but i like the fountain

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