Wednesday 28 March 2012

SCOPE International Annual Dinner 2012

Enjoy all of the pic but words of advice,any alcohol seen on the pic is for all of my friends as I dont drink..

Cat & Dog at peace for 1 day..

Ramesh focus on eating..

Bajet cun la?

Some belly dancing..seriously..awesome..

Pose for Lalitha please..

fodd sucks,that I can tell you upfront..

Our table have the most beer glass and we are the 1st to req for the beer to be serve..and guess what..its so many that the manager requested the waiter/waitress to stop serving our table..


Shashi gatal look picture that I

Temptation hero in action..

A live band performing few songs..kinda nice..gets everybody in the mood..

Everybody on the floor..including..err...that dude in orange..he's someone up i believe..

and when you thought every body is rocking on..1 dude giving acheeky look to a chick on the left and another dude checking me out..a que for me to leave the scene..

I've been force to take this shot..he ask me over and over again to shoot you are..

Sudesh thought he's Superman when he's drunk..

Gopi rocking out..and Shashi..hmm...checking Gopi junk in a trunk?

Last shot..anyone can see where's Anu at?lol..creepy..

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