Tuesday 17 January 2012

Putrajaya Day Trip

The blog have reach 666 pageview...woooooo scary..lol..last sunday me and my wife went to renew passport and as I went there once before to hunt down a good night photography picture,konon2 wanna join the night photography contest,which i have to submit 5 picture.I have all 5 picture set but no guts to submit it..haha..owh yeah back to I went to putrajaya at night time once,I know where exactly to shoot without looking,I have brought the camera along to shoot some of the picture at day time..below are some of the pic.enjoy..

I'll upload the night version later once my laptop is back to normal condition..for now it cant read my external hard drive.

as off 20/1/2012,i have lost everything on the hard drive therefore the putrajaya on night time is permanently lost.I have to repeat the photoshoot later and for the first few picture the chromatic abreviation is due to forgotten to take off my UV filter before screwing in my wide lens adapter(yeah,you read it right,I only use wide lens converter..lol)..for those who didnt notice,just imagine you didnt read this because I have tried to save the pic as much as I can on Adobe Raw.

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