Sunday 29 January 2012

My New Toy : D300

Last weekend is tiring.both for my brain and my body.
I have thought of upgrading my body for quite sometime but as ussual,either time or money going to be issue but since I have the chance of selling my D3100 I now can think of upgrading without thinking twice..
owh really?wrong!!!as matter of fact,when me,my wife,my son and Farid is in Low Yat looking for good price(full frame body,either D700 or 5D Mk II)I come to realize that I cant take 5D Mk II as my 70-200 is not useable any longer(still can use with the o ring(adapter) but can only use manual focus)and to know that I'm in the midst of buying a landed house now,(extra cash in hand is highly recommended)the idea of paying RM6800 for a new body just because the manufacturer country been hit by flood recently(limited stock) is totally absurd..
I come to a point I felt like going home and just wait for D800 to be released but then again come back to reality,I just felt armless without my camera.
With that in mind I scroll on my phone..found a seller of a body and met him in klang that night it self..bought the body at least RM4000 less then my original budget..what body?ultimate semi pro that anyone can ask...

meet my new toy...D300..

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