Tuesday 15 May 2012

Street Photography : Bukit Bintang

I have planned to do an outing with my buddy Zul for quite sometime but since he's as busy as a bee,im unable to do anything except to wait.Manage to do an outing at Bukit Bintang,funny that when you want to shoot street all this unnoticed people that have been there all the while can be an interesting subject..sub-conscious mind in action i guess.anyway here are some of the picture i shot..all of it is minor editing except for 1 5 minute simple photoshop editing..a fun day with Zul,hope can arrange for another outing soon..enjoy the picture..

Monday 14 May 2012

KL Bird Park

Right after KLCC we went to KL Bird Park..my son had a good time..all of us had good time..too many things to shoot that i shoot until battery run out..lol..