Wednesday 4 January 2012

New Year Eve : Look Out Point

Initially I have planned to go to Putrajaya for the firework shot but last plan changed to Look Out point at are the shot of firework on the new year eve which are clear because afterwords all the firework captured is not as awesome because a lot of smoke blocking the

Among the all the pic I like this the most..
The Bahasa Malaysia version is available.Please click the link provided below :


  1. sorry..lupa nak credit..this pic was taken on 105 mm focal lenght thanks to asbar 18-105mm kit lens as at that point of time my beloved 70-200mm didnt reach malaysia yet..

  2. bang ko tak pakai tripod erk??? huhu nampak shaking

  3. Pkai aku x off vibrate reduction..aku bca aomewhere kta klau atas tripod kna offkn vibrate reduction..klau x kamera cba jgk utk hlgkn vibrate yg x wujud..aku pn x thula..klau ikutkn aku xnak pki gmbr ni tp moment kan..yg lain bla aku dh off vr dh ok tp bnyak asap plak..

  4. ade kemungkinan gak...
    tp shaking camni kuat sangat ni must be ade gegar mane2 mase recording
    try pakai remote relese or timer pasni jgn sentuh langsung camre

  5. Aku bkn rsa kmgkinan..aku rsa sbb tu je..atau angin cm x mngkin..aku sh ltk timer delay 2 saat la sam..aku pn x fham..mgkun lg stu sbb focal lenght dia theory 1 over focal lenght kna cnsiderla..lagi jauh fcal lenght lagi besar magnification of vibration dia..mybe klau kitlens x nmpk sgt kot..ntahla sam..tripod dh..self timer dg..aku dh pkir dh sam..ntah leh..
